A whole season had passed by without a single posting, and the truth is I feel rather guilty. Needless to say, there hasn’t been much to write about. Fortunately for you, I won’t tell you how crazy busy I’ve been with my new job and I dare not annoy you with an account of my very humdrum autumn and Christmas. No, I won’t bore you with the inane drab details of my life. Obviously, that’s not what you want to read about. So, I’ll try something different.
Today is Thursday: my favorite day of the week. Very soon, the weekend will fill up the rest of what some people may describe as the dreariest, rainiest, heck even most depressing week of the year. I declare that we need more "things" to celebrate! Could it be Post Holiday Season Depression (P.H.S.D.) that has me in a funk? I know that I am not alone. Oh no, let me tell you that Vancouverites are also depressed. I see it! Their faces are not those of happy people. Not to mention that spring is still another 3 months away and despondency is starting to settle in. Sadly, it’s not different from what I am used to. I have lived here all my life: grey skies and grey faces are the norm.
So, I made a list of things to do, things to celebrate as a way of getting me through this lackluster winter. To my fellow Post Holiday Season Depressives..try these picker-uppers:
• Start a blog; seriously your creative side will thank you
• Clean out your closet
• Find your new favorite band, buy their CD and burn me a copy!
• Cook a new dish you never made before.
• Exfoliate your whole body; trust me it feels great!
• Attend Yuk Yuks with friends; get drunk and laugh to your heart’s content
• Put on rain gear and stomp in puddles like you did when you were 5 years old
• Buy an exotic fruit; savor it as you dream of someplace tropical.
• Go to a sauna and sweat out your angst!
• Frame a picture and hang it.
• Dance, dance dance!
• Try your hand at Sudoko; it’s challenging and very addictive!
Of course, there’s so much more out there and these are merely a few of my suggestions. What about you? What pulls you out of your funk? Go ahead and add your idea(s) because those lifeless faces really do need brightening up.
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