My girlfriends and I went out last Friday for a girl's night out and discovered unfortunately how rude some men are. Here we were, a group of girls together. All night we were stared at, touched and cussed at. Even the bouncer was barking at us. Actually in truth he was a little funny because we got snarky at him for being grumpy and then he told us we were too sensitive. Well, we ARE women, hmmm…
Nevertheless, this evening was the weirdest experience I've ever dealt with in a nightclub. One gay man called my friend a 'slit with hair' (yes my mouth dropped too!) while a presumably straight one prowled around me trying to cop a feel until we told him to "back off" and he responded with YOU BACK OFF! I was mortified at the attitude. Where have these men been learning to talk like that??? What happened to chivalry? Ok, yes one of them was gay but that's absolutely no excuse! I mean, aren't they the first group of people to be slurred at?
You know my girlfriends and I don't go out that often together, and when we do, we end up hugging a lot, dancing and bonding. I thought it was really shitty that these dumb assholes (excuse the language) couldn't respect that. Even more than that you know, just because I feel sexy and end up having fun...it isn't an invitation for a man to grab me, especially when I am walking to the bathroom! F.Y.I men…I’m not asking for it and I’m not egging you on. And I wasn't even wearing anything that revealing! Imagine if I had! The point is, I’m just with my friends and having a good time. Come on, seriously why do men grab women? (Oh gee pal, thanks for grabbing me and all...I guess you must think I'm kinda cool, huh?) Bleh!
So, if you are a man...please be more aware of how aggressive you are being. Don't ruin our nights for the sake of your egos.
And so ends my rant, thanks for reading..any questions? *(giggle)
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