Fatih is not a religion, nor a belief. Faith is having trust. Yes, I am talking about having trust in the world.
Shit is shit. You can't grade it. So, stop determining who's got it worse.
Just because it's on sale, doesn't mean you have to buy it. In other words, you don't have to date him just becuase he is a good kisser Lol! There are so many situations to apply this advice to.
Sleep can fix almost anything. It always has for me.
Life is sometimes hard, but it doesn't have to be. Like squeezing a bar of soap in the shower, the harder you squeeze the more elusive it becomes. Open your hand to the bar of soap, go gently and relax.
A job started is a job halfway completed. Just get started.
Learning is a possession. It cannot be taken away from you. But you should always share it.
More to come.......